Love • Joy • Connection • Community

Pastoral Care

Serving Parish Needs


"...Shepherding involves protection, tending to needs, strengthening the weak, encouragement, feeding the flock, making provision, shielding, refreshing, restoring, leading by example to move people on in their pursuit of holiness, comforting, guiding"

Psalm 78: 52; 23

While our brothers and sisters on the Outreach committee take their gifts to the community-at-large, we on the Pastoral Care Committee focus on serving the immediate needs of our parish family.

Various ministries and events include Smiles Meals, Greeters, planning the Newcomers Gathering, Funeral Ministry, Prayer Chain, creating College-care packages, and various Pastoral Care duties. In addition to our traditional duties, we are always looking to expand our reach and start new initiatives that will enhance the lives of those in our church family.

For more information, please contact the Pastoral Care Committee Chair (currently Bob Schock,


Funeral Ministry

Our ‘Funeral Ministry’ and beautiful Memorial Garden are available for St. Mary’s families in their time of need.

We have a group of volunteers who assist with providing refreshments after the funeral service. We take care of the setting, serving, ordering, or donating of food items and cleaning up of Shaffer Hall. 

There are guidelines for services, including options for musical offerings, which are discussed with the families prior to the repast.  Our hope is to ease some of their burden during these difficult times.


SMILES stands for ‘St. Mary's Incredible Luscious Edibles’.  We provide meals to parishioner families with meals during times of need. 

This is often when one family member is in the hospital or recuperating.  It eases the burden on the other family members.

If you would like to participate, please email the Pastoral Care Committee Chair.

Rice and Beans for SMILES program

Prayer Chain

The Pastoral Committee Care Chair forwards to Prayer Chain members via e-mail the prayer requests he receives from parishioners on behalf of themselves or someone they know.  After receiving these e-mails, individuals often respond through private e-mail, offering words of consolation to the requester or those for whom the requester asked prayers. It really helps and means a lot to receive these e-mails from caring individuals and to know that people are praying for you during a time of need. 

Reach out to the Pastoral Care Committee Chair to become a Prayer Chain member. 

Lay Eucharistic Visitors

We are blessed to have Lay Eucharistic Visitors who are licensed to take communion to people at home or in the hospital.  If you or someone you know needs this Ministry please contact Kathy O’Brien (973-729-6566 or
